Collect Work Requests from PMWeb users and then generate them into one or more Work Orders, Initiatives, or Projects.
Contact Name Field - Required. This field defaults from the user entering the Work Request but it may be edited. Click the helper button to open the Select Users Dialog.
Phone (Day) Field - This field defaults from the user entering the Work Request but it may be edited.
Extension Field - Enter a phone extension here.
Cell Field - Enter a cell phone number here.
Phone (Night) Field - Enter a night time phone number here.
Ext. Field - Enter a phone extension here.
Email Field - This field defaults from the user entering the Work Request but it may be edited.
Record # Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
WBS Field. This is the WBS from the operating project of the selected location.
Scope Field - A multi-line text field
Submitted Field - Read only. The date and time that the Submit button is clicked.
Linked Records Field - Read only. This field shows the number of Initiatives, Projects, and Work Orders that have been generated from this Work Request. Click the helper button to open a dialog listing the linked records and containing hyperlinks to them.