  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Procurement Options Section

Note that the defaults for these options can be set, by portfolio, program, and project, in Settings. To enable editing these options within a given procurement record the "Can change settings by bid" option must be checked.
  • This is a Sealed Bid - If the procurement is a sealed bid the Bidders tab and the Bid Items matrix are not updated as bidders complete their bids, until after the Bids Due date and time.
  • Lock Online Bids After Bids Due - As soon as the Bids Due date and time have passed all of the Online Bids linked to the Procurement automatically lock for editing. Note that bid managers can manually lock any or all bids at any time.
  • Include Days and MWDBE % Column in Online Bids - The next two options, to Include the Days and MWDBE % in Online Bids display those columns in the Bid Items tab of the Online Bids and as totals in the Bidder Matrix in Procurement.
  • Include Manufacturer Columns in Online Bids - Displays the Manufacturer and Mfr. # fields from the Procurement Bid Items in the Online Bid Items as well.
  • Include Bid Item UDFs in Online Bids - If checked, User Defined Fields that display in the Bid Items tab of the Procurement also display in the Bid Items of the Online Bids.
  • Require Acknowledgements - If checked, bidders are not allowed to submit their bids until they have placed a check in every line in the Acknowledgements section of their Submission tab.
  • Require Nondisclosure Agreement - If checked, bidders are required to view and digitally agree to the NDA before granted access to their online bidding record. Click the edit icon to open the Edit Nondisclosure Agreement dialog. Select a template to use or type/paste text into the editor area. See Notes (RTF) Dialog for more information.
When bidders open the online bid for the first time they see a dialog similar to this:
If the user clicks the Accept button the dialog closes, the invitation status is set to "Accepted", and they are granted access to the online bidding record. If the user clicks the Decline button the dialog closes, the invitation status is set to "Declined" and they are permanently denied access to the online bidding record. If the user clicks the Cancel button the dialog closes and the invitation status is not changed. If, after canceling, the user tries to access the online bidding record the NDA dialog opens again and will continue to do so until they make a decision to accept or decline.
  • Show Bid Due Count down Clock - Displays the Bid Due count down clock in the header of both the Procurement record and the Online Bids.
  • Lock Quantity in Online Bids - If checked, bidders cannot adjust the Quantity column of any bid item.
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