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Billing Terms Field

A user defined dropdown list. Values are defined in Advanced Lists/Billing Terms:
Billing Terms Field

Sort Order Field

1. Sort Order Field
Read only. This is the order that the items appear in dropdown lists in records. To edit this field, click and drag lines up or down in the table.

Discount Due Field

3. Discount Due Field
Enter a number that represents elapsed time from an invoice date until the discount expires. This field is notational only.

Units Field

4. Units Field

Discount Field

5. Discount Field
Enter a number in percentage format that represents the offered discount. This field is notational only.

Net Due Field

6. Net Due Field
Enter the number that represents elapsed time from an invoice before payment in full is due. In some records this number is automatically added to the invoice date to calculate the due date.

Inactive Field

7. Inactive Field
If this is checked the billing term no longer appears in Billing Terms dropdown lists in records.
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