This page is used to define all of the currencies used in your database and enter exchange rates for them.

ID Field - Required. System list. Select a standard currency abbreviation from the list. An ID can only appear once in this table.
Currency Field - Required. A name for the currency. Defaults from the selected ID but may be edited.
Symbol - Required. A symbol for the currency using the ASCII character set. Defaults from the selected ID but may be edited.
Symbol Position - Required. System list: "Left" or "Right". Defaults from the selected ID but may be edited.
Default Rate - Required. The default is "1.00000". This conversion rate is always used when Advanced Multi-currency is turned off (See PMWeb Admin Utility for more information about the Advanced Multi-currency setting) and when Default Rates is selected in the Currency Dialog.
Current Rate - Read-only. The rate for the currency from the chronologically latest date in the table on the Conversion Rates tab.
Default Checkbox - Only one line in the table may selected as the default. The selected currency is used as the default when adding new programs or when adding new projects and locations not part of a program. If Advanced Multi-currency is enabled the default currency is referred to as the System Currency.
PMWeb Word Decimal Name - Required. When currency amounts are spelled out in PMWeb Word the entry in this field is used for the decimal portion.
PMWeb Word Decimal Places - Required. When currency amounts are spelled out in PMWeb Word the entry in this field determines the decimal precision.