Equipment resources in PMWeb are completely user defined. An equipment resource can be something generic like "Truck" or more specific: "Komatsu Model 1600 Mining Truck". Equipment resources can be linked to an Asset Management Equipment record if you wish.
ID Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
Title Field - Type a title for the record here.
Operating Field - Enter the operating cost or price of the record here. Operating charges will be posted using this number and the project currency.
Standby Field - Enter the standby cost or price of the record here. Standby charges will be posted using this number and the project currency.
Idle Field - Enter the idle cost or price of the record here. Idle charges will be posted using this number and the project currency.
Default Cost Mode Field - A system list. Select "Operating", "Standby", or "Idle".
Default Start Time and Default Finish Time Fields - Time Field
Target Utilization % - A percentage field
In Service Date and Received Date Fields - Date Field
Serial # and Lot # Fields - Text fields
Price Field - A currency field