Specifications are custom fields that you can add to many record types in PMWeb. An unlimited number of these fields can be displayed on the Specifications Tab tab in those record types and up to ten custom fields can be displayed in the record header. Specifications can be grouped into tabs which display within the Specifications tab.
A sample Specifications tab within an Equipment record. The sub-tabs shown - AC Units, Dumptrucks, Earth Movers,... - are created by defining them in the Tabs Table and then assigning custom fields to them in the Custom Fields Table.
This list displays all of the record types for which specifications can be defined. Select a record type to load its specifications for viewing and editing.
Use this table to define grouping for your custom fields. Each group appear as a line in the table. There is one line - "--Record Header--" - which cannot be deleted. Up to ten custom fields can be assigned to the Record Header group. These custom fields will appear in the header of the record rather than in the Specifications tab.
Tab Order - Group tabs appear in the Specifications tab from left to right in the order set in this field. This field cannot be directly edited but dragging and dropping lines in the table automatically renumbers them.
Name Field - Required. The name you type here appears as the name of the group tab within the Specifications tab.
Visible Checkbox - If this box is checked the group tab is displayed in the Specifications tab.
Notes Field - Click the button to add background notes about the group tab
Use this table to define an unlimited number of custom fields and assign them to group tabs.
Line Number Field - This field cannot be edited directly. Dragging and dropping lines in the table automatically renumbers them. This number determines the order from top to bottom in which custom fields are displayed in records.
Tab Field - Select a group tab for the custom field. Up to ten custom fields can be assigned to the special "--Record Header--" group. These fields appear in the header of records rather than on its Specifications tab.
Spec Field - Required. Use this field to enter a label for the custom field.
Type Field - Use the dropdown list to select a data type for the custom field.
Required Checkbox - If checked, users will be required to make an entry in this field before the record can be saved.