Board field - A list of all of the active boards you are a member of. Select a board to move the task to. This defaults to the current board.
Column field - A list of the columns in the board selected in the Board field. Select a column to move the task to. This defaults to the column of the current task.
Sequence field - A list of the ordinal places in the column selected in the Column field. Select a position for the task. This defaults to last place in the column selected in the Column field.
Assignments switch - Switch on to move the assignments for the task and subtasks. Note that selecting a board other than the current one in the Board field automatically turns off and disables this switch.
Due Dates switch - Switch on to move the due dates for the task and subtasks
Subtasks - Switch on to move the subtasks
Attachments - Switch on to move the attachments for the task and subtasks