Use this tab to record moving the equipment from one location to another. One, and only one, line in the tab can contain an Actual Move-in but no Actual Move-out. The location on this line is considered the Current Location in the
header. (If you manually enter an Actual Move-out date in this tab - instead of using the Move button - the Current Location in the header remains unchanged.) Dragging and dropping an equipment record in the Asset Explorer automatically updates the Actual Move-out field of the current location and creates a Move-in record for the new one. Click the Move button in the tab toolbar to open the Equipment Move Dialog (see below).

Location Field - Read only. The beginning location of the equipment
Actual Move-in Field - Date Field. Saving a date in this field makes the move active and changes the Current Location in the header.
Cost Field - A currency field
Work Order Field - Select a work order to link to the move
Calendar Checkbox - For future use
Calendar Date Field - For future use
Click the Move button in the tab toolbar to open the Equipment Move Dialog:
Equipment ID Field - Read only. The ID of the equipment record.
Name Field - Read only. The name of the equipment record.
Current Location Field - The current location of the equipment record.
Move-out Date Field - Required.
Date Field. Defaults to TODAY.
Move-in Date Field - Required. Date Field. Defaults to TODAY.
New Location Field - Required. Select a new location from the dropdown tree. This may be a location, building, floor, or space.