
Document Manager

In PMWeb Document Manager, define any folder structure you like to store, use, and retrieve, digital content. You can drag and drop files between folders, check them in and out of the system, enable file versions, and define custom attributes to store file metadata. You can also subscribe to Document Manager folders to be alerted when content changes.
The Explorer Pane occupies most of the Document Manager window. The Explorer Pane shows all of the folders and files within the current folder and can be toggled between Card View, shown in the screenshot below, or List View. Both views show the same folders and files, but they are presented in different ways. Files can be dragged from your device and dropped in the Explorer Pane to add them to Document Manager folders.
Document Manager




Breadcrumbs in Document Manager are completely interactive.
  • Help Icon - Click this icon to open the context-sensitive help in a new browser tab.
  • Document Manager Root Folder - The contents of this folder cannot be edited and include these folders:
  • Locations
  • Projects
  • Shared
 The Document Manager root folder header toolbar contains a special Settings button, which opens the Folder Groups Dialog. The Settings button only appears in the Document Manager root folder if "Enable permissions by Folder Groups" is turned on in Portfolio/Administer/Settings/System and the user belongs to a user group that has Document Manager Administrator rights in Portfolio/Administer/Security/Groups.
  • Folder Buttons - Click a folder in the breadcrumbs bar to navigate up the folder path
  • Subfolder Buttons - Click these buttons to see a list of subfolders within the folder. Click a subfolder in the list to navigate to it. Type in the box at the top of the list to filter the options.


    Manager Page Button - Clicking this button opens the Manager Page for the record type.
    Recent Records Button - Clicking this button opens the Recent Records Page for the record type.
    Bookmarks Button - Clicking this button opens the Bookmarks Page.
    Quick Search Control - This control is used to search Document # and File and Folder Name fields. Type search text in this field and then click the magnifying glass icon or press ENTER to execute the search and open the Search Results Page. Click the X icon to clear the search field.
    Advanced Search Button - Clicking this button opens the Advanced Search Dialog.
    Settings Button - In most folders, click this button to open the Edit Folder Dialog. In the root directory of Document Manager, clicking this button opens the Folder Groups Dialog.


  • Add Button - Clicking this button opens the Add menu. Choices include:
  • Folder - This option creates a new folder within the current one.
  • From Your Computer - This option opens your device's file browser.
  • Latest Version Switch - This switch only appears if versioning is turned on for the folder.
  • Details Switch - This switch shows or hides the Details Pane (see below).
  • List View / Card View Toggle Button - This button toggles the Explorer Pane between Card View and List View.
  • Sort Button - This button appears in Card View but not in List View. Clicking this button opens a menu of sorting options.


The Explorer Tab shows all files and subfolders within the current folder. The Explorer Tab can be used in Card View (shown here) or in List View.


Folders appear at the top of the Explorer Pane, in both Card View and List View. Click on a folder to select it. SHIFT+CLICK and CTRL+CLICK can be used to select multiple folders. Selected folders can be dragged and dropped on another folder to move them to the target folder. Double click on a folder to navigate to it. Right click on a folder to see a menu of folder actions:
  • Open - Navigates to the folder. This is the same as double clicking on a folder.
  • Edit - Opens the Edit Folder Dialog.
  • Bookmark / Remove Bookmark - Click to bookmark the folder or to remove its bookmark. See Bookmarks Page.
  • Copy URL - Opens a dialog that displays the folder's URL. Use the CTRL+C keyboard shortcut to copy the URL to the clipboard.
  • Subscribe / Unsubscribe - Subscribe opens the Define Subscription Dialog.
  • Add - Opens a flyout menu. Choices include:
  • Folder - This option creates a new folder within the folder you right clicked.
  • From Your Computer - This option opens your device's file browser. Remember that files added this way will be added to the folder you right clicked, not the one you are currently viewing.
  • Copy/Move To - Opens the Copy/Move To Dialog.
  • Delete - Opens the standard PMWeb confirm delete dialog.


Each card in this section of the Explorer Pane represents a file in the folder. Click on a file to select it. SHIFT+CLICK and CTRL+CLICK can be used to selected multiple files. Selected files can be dragged and dropped on another folder to move them to the target folder. Clicking the ID/Name hyperlink at the bottom of the card navigates to the Linked PMWeb Record.
Right click on a card to see a context menu of file actions. The actions that appear vary, depending on the file selected:
  • View - If it is a compatible file type, this opens the file in the image preview popup. Click anywhere to dismiss the popup.
  • PMWeb Record - Navigates to the Linked PMWeb Record.
  • Download - Downloads the file to your device.
  • Check Out - Applies "Checked Out" status to the file. Checked out files cannot be overwritten except by the user who checked them out and then only by following the Check In process.
  • Check In - Opens the Check In Dialog.
  • Cancel Check Out - Removes "Checked Out" status from the file without requiring an upload of a replacement file.
  • Bookmark / Remove Bookmark - Click to bookmark the file or to remove its bookmark. See Bookmarks Page.
  • Copy URL - Opens a dialog that displays the file's URL. Use the CTRL+C keyboard shortcut to copy the URL to the clipboard.
  • Add PMWeb Viewer / Go to PMWeb Viewer - Creates or navigates to a PMWeb Viewer record linked to the file.
  • Send to Studio - Launches a new Bluebeam session.
  • Add - Opens a flyout menu. Choices include:
  • Folder - This option creates a new folder within the current folder.
  • From Your Computer - This option opens your device's file browser.
  • Copy/Move To - Opens the Copy/Move To Dialog.
  • Delete - Opens the standard PMWeb confirm delete dialog.


This pane displays metadata related to a selected folder or file and provides buttons that allow you take certain actions. The Details Pane can be shown or hidden using the Details toggle button in the Explorer Pane toolbar (see above). Elements of the Details Pane include:
  • Linked Record Hyperlink - Clicking this hyperlink navigates to the Linked PMWeb Record.
  • Image Preview - If the file is of a compatible type, a preview image shows here.
  • Action Buttons - The buttons that show here vary, depending on several factors. They represent the same actions that are available in the context menus that open when you right click a folder or file.
  • Metadata Fields - Fields are read only. If the folder has custom Attributes (see Edit Folder Dialog) they appear here. Note that for the Geolocation attribute to appear, you must first enable the setting "Store Geolocation Data when Possible" in Portfolio/Settings/General Settings System Subtab.
  • Comment Log - Click the Add Comment button to create a comment. A log of comments appears below it. Click a Like button to like a comment.


Click this button to open a context menu. The choices in the menu vary, depending on the folders and files that are currently selected. See the sections above for information about menu choices.