Use this page to create and edit cost periods for your projects.
Here are some best practices for naming periods:
Use a consistent naming format. This makes it easier to understand them in records and on reports.
Make the names as compact and informative as possible. For example, if you are creating periods based on months, the naming format "year-month" tells the user all they need to know in just a few characters. For example, October, 2020 becomes "2020-10".
Use alphanumeric formats to make sorting easy. If you use a format like "2020-01" periods will automatically sort in chronological order on screens and in reports.
Enter From Date and To Date or select them from the calendar picker. It is important to understand that the periods defined by From Date and To Date should not overlap from line to line within a project and it is a good practice to not leave any gaps between periods as well.
Generate Next Button - Generate Next creates a new line and automatically increments the Period, From Date, and To Date fields.
Period Field - Enter a name for the period here.
Budget Year Field - Enter a budget year if you wish. Budget Year can be used for grouping in queries and reports.