
Advanced Lists

A few of the system lists in PMWeb are deemed to be advanced lists because they contain more than just one column of values. Advanced lists include:
Code* - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the list value.
Description - A name for the list value.
Sort Order Field - Read only. The order in which the values appear in the Billing Terms dropdown list in records. This field can be directed by dragging lines up or down in the table and dropping them.
Terms Field - Sort Order - Read only. The order in which the values appear in the Billing Terms dropdown list in records. This field can be directed by dragging lines up or down in the table and dropping them.
Discount Due Field - The number of units after the invoice date before a possible discount expires.
Units Field - The unit of measure for the Discount Due field. "Days", for example.
Discount Field - The possible discount available, as a percentage of the total invoice value. At present this is a notational field only and has no impact on system calculations.
Net Due Field - The number of days after the invoice date when the invoice is considered due and payable. When you select a value in the Billing Terms dropdown list the Invoice Due field is calculated by default as the Invoice Date plus the number of days entered here.
Inactive Checkbox - Check this box to make the list value inactive. Inactive values will not appear on the Billing Terms dropdown in records.
The button in each column changes color after one or more values has been added to the list.
Select one of these advanced list types using the selector dropdown at the top of the tab to load the list.