Use this page to quickly create any number of stages and activities for a project. Creating stages and activities here is the same as creating them in the
Stage Gates page.
Select a level - portfolio, program or a project - to configure. Stage gates set at portfolio and program levels automatically default to projects within them.
Use this tree to build the list of stages and the activities within each stage gate.
To Add Stages - Right click on the project root node to open the context menu and select "Add Stage". A new node appears in the tree. Type a name for the stage in the node label and press ENTER to save. If you wish, enter data in the Stage Defaults section and click the Save button.
To Add Activities - Right click on the stage node to open the context menu and select "Add Activity". A new node appears in the tree. Type a name for the activity in the node label and press ENTER to save. If you wish, enter data in the Activity Defaults section and click the Save button.
Repeat to build additional stages and activities.
Settings here will default to all new stages for the project, whether they are created in this page using the tree or if they are created in the Stage Gates page.
Settings here will default to all new activities for the stage, whether they are created in this page using the tree or if they are created in the Stage Gates page.