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Users Tab

Use this tab to review and assign project access to users and assign them to PMWeb Visual Workflow roles. This tab is intended to allow certain users to grant limited access to the project without necessarily giving those editors access to the PMWeb Security page.
Users Tab

Project Access Section

1. Project Access Section
Granting or removing access to the project is similar to doing so using Security except that it only applies to this project and to specific users.
  • Users Tree - This tree displays all of the defined user groups. Expand a group to see all of its active members.
  • Only Display... Checkbox - Check this box to filter the Project Access Tree
  • Project Access Tree - This tree displays all of the user groups which have at least one member with access to the project. The icon next to the user indicates their level of access. To grant access, right-click on a user and select "Grant Access". Right-click on Sample again and select "Remove Access" to reverse the permission. Only users who have not yet been granted permission to this project can be given access in this tab and only users granted access at this level can have their access removed here.

Workflow Roles Section

2. Workflow Roles Section
This section functions the same as the Workflow/Setup/Workflow/Roles Tab except that you cannot define roles here, only fill them. Drag users from the tree on the left and drop them on roles in the table.
Two filter checkboxes are included on this tab:
  • View Unlocked Roles Only – If selected, the table only displays roles that are unlocked and, therefore, can be reassigned at project level.
  • View Roles in Use Only – If selected, the table only displays roles that are currently used in BPMs that are selected to be used in the project. (Note that the results of this filter can fluctuate as the Record Types tab in Workflow setup is edited so this filter should be applied with caution.)
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