Use this record type to define, edit, and monitor leases - revenue or expense.
Parent Lease Field - Select a lease from the dropdown list or click the icon to open a lease selector dialog. This lease will then appear in the Sub-Leases section of the selected record.
Lease ID Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
Post As Field - System list. Choices are:
Cost - Lease charges are posted to the "Tenant Costs" worksheet column in Cost Ledgers and payments are posted as "Payments A/P (Tenant)"
Revenue - Lease charges are posted to the "Tenant Revenue" worksheet column and payments are posted as "Payments A/R (Tenant)"
Linked Usable and Linked Rentable Fields - Read only.
Linked Usable - Calculated as the sum of Usable from all assets linked to the lease
Linked Rentable - Calculated as the sum of Rentable from all assets linked to the lease
Sub-leases Field - Read only. This field displays the count of all leases in which this record is selected in the Parent Lease field. Click the helper button to open a dialog with details.
Rent/Month Field - A currency field for noting the expected rent
Rent/Year Field - Read only. Rent/Month times 12.
Location UOM - Read only. Note that the area unit of measure is determined by the selection in the Area UOM field in the Location.
Common Area % - Enter a percentage here.
Rent/Area/Month - Read only. Rent/Month divided by Rentable.
Rent/Area/Year - Read only. Rent/Area/Month times 12.