
Post to Non-commitment Costs Checkbox

If this box is checked, each line in the record that is posted to the cost ledger appears as two lines, one under the usual worksheet column for the record type and a second  under the "Non-commitment Costs" worksheet column.
For example, Miscellaneous Invoices lines are always posted under the worksheet column "Actual Costs - Non-commitment". If this box is checked each line in the Miscellaneous Invoice with a cost code is posted as two lines:
Cost Ledger line 1 - Worksheet column "Actual Costs - Non-commitment"
Cost Ledger line 1 - Worksheet column "Non-commitment Costs"
The additional cost ledger can be useful depending on what cost reports you use. Ask your PMWeb consultant if you might benefit from this additional piece of information.
See Worksheet Column Table for more information about posting to Non-commitment Costs.