PMWeb Scheduling features a fully interactive Gantt chart with Critical Path Management built in. You can have as many schedules per project as you wish. This allows you to:
Keep an unlimited number of schedule revisions and compare them using our included Claim Analysis feature.
Track various types of schedules within a project. For example, one project might contain a high level milestone schedule, a main jobsite schedule, and a specialty sub's detailed installation schedule.
Schedules can be built inside PMWeb or linked to external schedules from MS Project or Primavera P6. If the schedule is linked to an external one the
Linked Schedule Tab appears.
Schedule tasks can be linked to transactions throughout PMWeb.

Copy From Schedule Button - Click the dropdown next to the Add button and select this option to open the Select a Schedule dialog. Click a schedule to copy its tasks into the current schedule.
Link Schedule Button - In addition to, or instead of, entering tasks in the Gantt chart table you can import tasks from external schedules in Microsoft Project or Primavera P6 format. Click this button to open the Link Schedule Dialog.
Update % Complete From Timesheets Button - When you click this button each task's % Complete is updated to match that from the most recently edited Timesheet line linked to the task.
Save as Baseline Button - Clicking this button copies the Current Start and Finish dates to their corresponding Baseline fields.
Lock Schedule Button - This toggle button determines whether or not users can edit tasks. If locked, the Add, Delete, and Save buttons will not be available in the Schedules Gantt Chart Toolbar or in the Tasks Details tabs. The default is unlocked unless the schedule is imported using the Link Schedule button. Only users granted specific permission in Security - "Can Lock/Unlock Schedules" - are allowed to toggle this button. This is a record specific setting. The primary use of this button is to block recalculation of schedules that are imported from another schedule format. Because those schedules can use custom factors such as resource based calendars or custom resource loading, recalculating them in PMWeb might result in different Start/Finish dates. To prevent recalculation in PMWeb toggle this button to "Locked" to prevent users from saving edits to tasks.
Display Task Tabs Button - This toggle button determines whether or not the Task Details Tabs are displayed below the Gantt chart. Turning off the tabs might speed up page loading if you have a very large schedule or a slow internet connection. This is a user specific setting. If you turn off tabs in one schedule they will not be displayed for you in any schedule until you toggle them back on by clicking the button again.

Collapse Header Button - Click to collapse or expand the header fields
Calendar Field - Use the dropdown list to select a calendar to link to the schedule. See Calendars for more information.
Set as Project Schedule Checkbox - A schedule may be designated as the "Project Schedule" by checking this box. The tasks from the "Project Schedule" appear in Task Fields throughout PMWeb and in certain reports and data views. In the Portfolio View, for example, the tasks shown are from the "Project Schedule". Only one schedule per project can have this box checked. Checking this box and saving the change will automatically clear the checkbox for all other schedules linked to the same project. The first schedule saved for a project is automatically marked as the "Project Schedule".
Link % Complete to Actual Costs Checkbox - If this box is checked, when you change % complete Actual Costs are automatically calculated as Cost times %C. This setting only applies to edits that happen after this box is checked.
Link % Complete to Remaining Duration Checkbox - If this box is checked, when you change % complete Rem. Duration is automatically calculated as Duration times %C. This setting only applies to edits that happen after this box is checked.
Schedule Tasks Field - This field determines whether or not the schedule automatically recalculates as you edit it. The selections are:
Manually - The default. If this is selected you must click the Calculate Dependencies button in the Schedules Gantt Chart Toolbar or use one of the "Correct dependencies" commands on the context menu in the chart in order to calculate the schedule. (See Interacting with the Gantt Chart for information about the context menu.)
Auto - If this is selected the schedule is automatically recalculated as edits to the schedule warrant.
Ask - If this is selected the user is prompted in a dialog each time edits to the schedule warrant a recalculation.
Status Date Field - The date as of which percent complete and "actuals" data is recorded.
Schedule Recap Section - Read-only. Data from the earliest task in the schedule (Start) and the latest task in the schedule (Finish).