
Serviced Tab

Use this tab to record the assets, and their components, that were serviced by the work order. When the work order has been approved you can use the Update Assets button to send data back to the assets and components.
Lines can be added to the table and subtable either by using the Link Asset(s) and Link Component(s) buttons or by generating the work order using the Create Work Order button on the Components Tab.
Serviced Tab

Work Orders Serviced Tab Toolbar

1. Work Orders Serviced Tab Toolbar
  • Update Assets Button - Click this button to update the assets in this table with usage, inspection, and removed information. This button is only available if the status of the work order is "Approved".

Work Orders Serviced Tab Table

2. Work Orders Serviced Tab Table
  • Asset Field - Read only. Click the hyperlink to navigate to the asset record.
  • Previous Reading Field - Read only. From the most recent line in the Equipment Log Tab.
  • Current reading Field - Enter the current reading here
  • Current Usage Field - Read only. Calculated as Current Reading minus Previous Reading.
  • Services Performed Field - A multi-select dropdown. List values are defined in Portfolio/Lists/Lists//Standard Lists: "Service Performed".

Work Orders Serviced Tab Subtable Toolbar

3. Work Orders Serviced Tab Subtable Toolbar
  • Link Components Button - Click this button to open the Select Components dialog. The tree at left displays the components of the asset selected in the line in the table. Select one or more components in the tree, drag, and drop them on the table. Click the Save & Exit button.
  • Unlink Components Button - Select one or more lines in the subtable and then click this button to remove them.

Work Orders Serviced Tab Subtable Table

4. Work Orders Serviced Tab Subtable Table
  • Removed Checkbox - Check this box to mark the component as being removed from the asset. This causes the Removed Date and Removed Usage fields in the Components Tab to be updated.
  • Serviced Checkbox - Check this box to mark the component as being serviced. This causes the Last Service Date and Last Service Usage fields in the Components Tab to be updated.
  • Services Performed Field - A multi-select dropdown. List values are defined in Portfolio/Lists/Lists//Standard Lists: "Service Performed".
  • ID Field - Read only. If the component is an asset, the ID of the asset appears here.
  • Component Fields - Read only. From the component.