Procurement records can be used to organize bid packages and collect data from bidders. Data collection can be entered manually or automated using
Online Bidding.
Scoring Tab - This tab works as most Scoring Tabs do but in Procurement you have an additional option to include Scoring questions in Online Bidding records. Create questions as usual in the Scoring tab in the Procurement record and place a check in the Include in Bid field for lines that you want Online Bidders to answer as part of their bid.
Procurement # Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
Revision Date Field - Read only. The date the record was last revised.
Bids Due Field - Date Field. If this is a sealed bid, the record is not available to anyone except the PMWeb Admin user until this date and time has been reached.
Time Field - Time Field. If this is a sealed bid, the record is not available to anyone except the PMWeb Admin user until this date and time has been reached.
Pre-bid Field - A list of pre-bid records for the procurement project. Select a pre-bid to link to. Click the pre-bid label to navigate to the linked record. If the procurement was generated from a pre-bid record this field is automatically filled.
Estimate # Field - Read only. If the record was generated from an estimate, the estimate # appears here.
Commitment Field - Read-only. If you generate a commitment from the procurement the ID of the commitment appears here. Click the field label to navigate to the linked record.
In addition to the standard table toolbar buttons, the Bidder Matrix toolbar contains two special controls:
Award button - Highlight one line in the bidder matrix table to select it and then click this button to mark that line as the awarded bidder. An icon appears in the Award column for that bidder. The awarded bidder will be entered in the Company field when you generate a Commitment from the Procurement record.
Display dropdown - Select from the list to display "Active Bidders Only", "Inactive Bidders Only", or "-- All --".

Award - Highlight one line in the table to select it and then click the Award button to mark that line as the awarded bidder. An icon appears in this field for the awarded bidder. Only one line can be marked as awarded at one time.
Invitation Status - Read-only. "Accepted", "Declined", or "No Decision". This field is controlled by buttons in the Online Bid Header. See Online Bidding Header Fields for more information.
Best Bid - Read-only. The bidder's current "Best Bid". If there is more than one revision for the online bidding record a button appears in this field. Click the button to open a dialog which displays totals for all of the online bidder's bid revisions. You can use this dialog to select the bidder's best bid. See Manage Bids Tab for more information.
NDA - Read-only. If checked, the bidder has electronically agreed to the terms of the NDA. See Online Bidding NDA for more information.
Bid Revision - Read-only. The revision number of the bidder's current best bid. See Procurement Manage Bids Tab for more information.
Bid Status - Read-only. Form the linked online bidding record.
Bid Total - Defaults to the sum of the Total Amount column in the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Editing this field does not change the online bidding record.
Leveled Total - Defaults to the sum of the Leveled Total column in the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Editing this field does not change the online bidding record. If highlighted in yellow, one or more bid items in the linked online bidding record has been leveled. See Online Bidding Details Tab for more information about bid leveling.
Days Total - Defaults to the sum of the Days column in the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Editing this field does not change the online bidding record. Clicking the button in the column heading opens the Days Recap dialog where you can review the days entries by bid item by bidder.
MWDBE % - Defaults to the sum of the MWDBE Amount column in the linked online bidding record / the sum of the Total Amount column * 100 but may be edited. Editing this field does not change the online bidding record. Clicking the button in the column heading opens the MWDBE Recap dialog where you can review the MWDBE percentages by bid item by bidder.
Acknowledged - Defaults to the percentage of lines in the Acknowledgements table in the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record where Acknowledge is checked but may be edited. Editing this field does not change the online bidding record. Clicking the button in the column heading opens the Acknowledgements Recap dialog where you can review the acknowledgement entries by bid item by bidder.
Score - Defaults to the sum of the Weighted Score of the linked online bidding record but may be edited.
CO Fee - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited.
Available to Start - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Date Field.
Rating - Defaults to the average rating from the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Ratings Tab.
Bid Expires - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Date Field
Bidder Comments - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Notes (Memo) Field
Contact - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited.
Phone - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited.
Ext. - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited.
Email - Defaults from the Submission tab of the linked online bidding record but may be edited.
Default is unchecked. This field is used in filtering the bidder matrix tab table. See Procurement Bidder Matrix Tab Toolbar for more information.