Every transaction line in PMWeb that contains a cost code is automatically posted to the cost ledger when the transaction is saved. The cost ledger line contains a copy of the data from a subset of fields in the original transaction line as well as additional metadata such as the time and date of posting and a hyperlink to the transaction. As transaction lines are edited the matching data in the cost ledger line is updated as well. If a transaction line is deleted its matching data in the cost ledger is deleted too. Lines can also be added directly in the cost ledger page as well as by using one of the PMWeb integration tools.
The cost ledger serves as a fast. powerful, and easy to use data source for queries and reports.
History Tab - This read only table displays cost ledger activities - Add, Update, and Delete - over a selected period of time. To change the display period drag the sliders left and right.
Note that the Add, Edit, and Void buttons do not apply to linked PMWeb transactions.
Linked Record Icon - An icon appears in this column if the transactions was posted from a PMWeb record.
History Button - Click this button to open the Record History dialog which displays lines showing the data in cost ledger fields each time the linked transaction line was edited and saved.
System ID Field - Click the hyperlink to navigate to the linked PMWeb record
Total Amount Field - Quantity times Unit Cost
Worksheet Column Field - Required. The Worksheet Column field lets you categorize transactions so they can be grouped in meaningful ways in cost reporting. See Cost Ledgers Worksheet Column Table for a list of PMWeb records and their associated worksheet column values.
Status Field - A system list. Possible values are:
The value here can determine where the currency amount for the line appears in cost reports.
If the cost ledger line is linked to a PMWeb record, the status of the linked record determines the value in this field. If the linked record has a status of Draft, Submitted, Returned, or Resubmitted its status in the cost ledger is "Pending". If the linked record has a status of Rejected or Withdrawn its status in the cost ledger is "Void". If the linked record has a status of Approved its status in the cost ledger is "Approved".
Document Field - Read only. If the cost ledger line is linked to a PMWeb record this field displays the description of the linked record.
Document Type Field - Read only. If the cost ledger line is linked to a PMWeb record this field displays the record type.
Date Field. The default is Today. If the cost ledger line is linked to a PMWeb record this field is the date of the linked record.
Profile ID - Read only. If the line was added to the cost ledger via the Integration Manager the name of the Integration Manager profile is displayed here.
Import Date - Read only. If the line was added to the cost ledger via the Integration Manager the import date is displayed here.
Update Date - Read only. The most recent date that the cost ledger line or the linked record was edited.
Update By Field - Read only. The name of the user who most recently updated the cost ledger line or the linked record.
Recovery Batch ID - Read only. If the cost ledger line was used in a Lease Administrator batch, the ID of the batch is displayed here.