Use PMWeb Maintenance Contracts to define maintenance agreements with vendors and/or clients and generate an unlimited number of
Work Orders linked to them.
ID Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
Bill to Field - Required. Click to open a dropdown list of companies and contacts. You can select either a company or a contact.
Bill to Address Field - Type a bill to address in this field.
Contact Field - Click to open a dropdown list of companies and contacts. You can select either a company or a contact.
Value Field - A currency field
Linked Work Orders Section - This table displays all of the Work Orders linked to the maintenance contract. Work orders can be linked by:
Clicking the Add button in the toolbar of this section. This opens a new work order that is automatically linked to the maintenance contract
Using the Maintenance Contract field in the Work Orders Header Fields to select a maintenance contract to link to
Click the hyperlink in the WO ID column to navigate to the work order record.