  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Task Fields

These fields appear in the Gantt chart table. Some of them also appear in the Schedules Task Details General Tab , Schedules Task Details Dependencies Tab, Schedules Task Details Resources Tab, Schedules Task Details Project Codes Tab, and the Task Details dialog. Entering data here is the same as entering it there.



Read only. This is a sequential number assigned by PMWeb. In the Gantt chart table this field is a hyperlink. Left clicking on the link loads the task into the Task Details tabs. Right clicking on the link opens the Task Details dialog.
Read only. The ID and name of the project to which the task belongs.
Read only. The ID and Name of the schedule to which the task belongs.
A text field
The name of the task
Required. A date less than or equal to Finish. Default is Today
A date greater than or equal to Start. If this field is empty the task is referred to as a task milestone. Default is Today
"Percent Complete". Zero to 100. Default is "0". This represents the physical progress of the task's work.
"Total Float". Read only. The number of days the task can be delayed from Start without delaying the completion of the project. Tasks with a total float of "0" are considered to be on the critical path.
The number of working days needed to complete the task. Tasks with a duration of "0" are referred to as task milestones. Default is "1".
A notational field used to group one or more tasks by a summary designation. To use this field: type an entry in this field and save the Gantt chart. The entry is saved to a list. You can then select this entry on other lines in the schedule.
Rem. Duration
"Remaining Duration"
If "Link % Complete to Remaining Duration" is unchecked, edits to this field have no effect on any other field and are purely notational.
If "Link % Complete to Remaining Duration" is checked and:
  • Rem. Duration is edited - If the task has not started (%C = "0") then the new Duration is set to equal the new Rem. Duration. The Start date does not change but Finish is recalculated. If the task has started then the new Duration is set as the new Rem. Duration times 100 times (100 minus current %C) and the new %C is set as (the new Duration minus the new Rem. Duration) divided by the new Duration times 100. The Start date does not change but Finish is recalculated.
  • %C is edited - Rem. Duration is set as the new %C divided by 100 times Duration. Duration, Start and Finish are not affected.
  • Duration is edited - If the task has not started (%C = "0") then the new Rem. Duration is set to equal the new Duration. %C, Start and Finish are not affected. If the task has started then the new Rem. Duration is set as the new Duration times %C divided by 100. The Start date does not change but Finish is recalculated.
Baseline Start
A date less than or equal to Baseline Finish. Default is empty. If you click the Save as Baseline button, the Start date is automatically copied into this field. This field may also be populated by entering a date.
Baseline Finish
A date greater than or equal to Baseline Start. Default is empty. If you click the Save as Baseline button, the Finish date is automatically copied into this field. This field may also be populated by entering a date.
Original Duration
Default is empty. If you click the Save as Baseline button, the Duration is automatically copied into this field. This field may also be populated by entering a number.
A checkbox. Default is unchecked. Checking this box automatically sets percent complete to "100".
Actual Start
Default is empty. If you edit this field, Start is set to equal Actual Start.
Actual Finish
Default is empty. If you edit this field, Finish is set to equal Actual Finish.
Actual Duration
Default is Actual Finish minus Actual Start.
Early Start Constraint
The task will not be allowed to start before the selected Start date.
Late Start Constraint
The task will not be allowed to start after the selected Start date
Early Finish Constraint
The task will not be allowed to finish before the selected Finish date.
Late Finish Constraint
The task will not be allowed to finish after the selected Finish date.
Late Start
Read only. Calculated as Start plus Total Float.
Late Finish
Read only. Calculated as Finish plus Total Float.
A notational field to record the expected amount of revenue the task will generate.
A notational field to record the expected cost of the task.
A system defined drop down list. Choices are:
  • Back Loaded
  • Bell Curve
  • Front Loaded
  • Linear
If revenue or cost numbers, a curve, and a cost code have been entered for one or more tasks, cash flow reports can then be generated from the schedule.
Actual Revenue
A notational field. If Link % Complete to Actual Costs is checked this is set as Revenue times %C divided by 100.
Actual Cost
A notational field. If Link % Complete to Actual Costs is checked this is set as Cost times %C divided by 100.
Baseline Revenue
 If you click the Save as Baseline button, the Revenue number is automatically copied into this field. This field may also be populated by typing a number.
Baseline Cost
 If you click the Save as Baseline button, the Cost number is automatically copied into this field. This field may also be populated by typing a number.
For future use
This field shows all of the resources assigned to the task.
Cost Code
The cost code linked to the task.
A system defined drop down list. Choices are:
  • Empty (the default) - This is the most common status. The task can be edited, either by typing in the Gantt chart table or the Task Details tabs or by dragging and dropping in the Gantt chart control.
  • Disabled - The task cannot be edited.
  • Locked - The task cannot be edited.
A system defined drop down list. Choices are:
  • Task (the default) - A Start and Finish date are required if you choose this option.
  • Start milestone - If you select this option Start is required and Finish is automatically cleared.
  • Finish milestone - If you select this option Finish is required and Start is automatically cleared.
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