When Advanced Multi-currency is enabled the Currency field label becomes a hyper link which, when clicked, opens this dialog. It is used to configure and store the currency settings for each advanced multi-currency record. It can also be used at System, Program, and Project/Location levels to set defaults for the Currency Dialog. See
Currency, Programs, Location Programs, Projects, and Locations for information about currency defaults.
Select one of the options by clicking a radio button:
Default Rates - If this radio button is selected, all lines posted to the Cost Ledger will also be posted to the Cost Ledger Converted table using rates stored in the Default Rate column on The General Tab of the Portfolio/Setup/Currency page.
Linked to Rate Matrix - If this radio button is selected, all lines posted to the Cost Ledger will also be posted to the Cost Ledger Converted table using rates stored in the rate matrix in The Conversion Rates Tab of the Portfolio/Setup/Currency page as of the chosen Rate Date. Remember that when selecting rates from the matrix PMWeb locates the line within the closest rate interval on or before the Rate Date of the record.
Save Rates in this Record - If this radio button is selected, all lines posted to the Cost Ledger will also be posted to the Cost Ledger Converted table using rates stored in the Currency Dialog. This option is useful if, for example, a Commitment uses a pre-negotiated set of conversion rates. You can use this option to store those rates within the Commitment and they will not be affected by edits to either the default system rates or to the rate matrix.
The Rate Date is the date selected in the Currency Dialog. It defaults to the date that the record is first saved but can be edited.
If Default Rates is selected the Rate Date field is locked and has no effect.
If Linked to Rate Matrix is selected the Rate Date field is unlocked and may be edited. The date entered determines the Rate Interval used to select data from the rate matrix. Changing the date causes the Conversion Rates table to reload to show the correct rates.
If Save Rates in this Record is selected the Rate Date field is unlocked and may be edited. . The date entered determines the Rate Interval used to select data from the rate matrix but only if you click the Update from Rate Matrix button.
Keep in mind that edits made in the Currency dialog have no effect on your data until you click the Save & Exit button.
Note that this button is enabled only if the Save Rates in this Record option is selected.
Click this button to load the latest rates for the selected Rate Date from Portfolio/Setup/Currency.
The rate table within the Currency Dialog lists all of the currencies defined in your system and includes a Conversion rate column. This table is read-only or editable, depending on the radio button that is selected in the Options section.
If Default Rates is selected the Conversion Rates table is locked and displays the current default rates in Portfolio/Setup/Currency.
If Linked to Rate Matrix is selected the Conversion Rates table is locked and displays the rates stored in the rate matrix in The Conversion Rates Tab of the Portfolio/Setup/Currency page as of the chosen Rate Date. Note that as soon as you enter a new Rate Date the Conversions Table is reloaded to show what effect, if any, a different date will have. This is only a preview and will not affect your multi-currency data until you click the Save & Exit button.
If Save Rates in this Record is selected the Conversion Rates table is unlocked and may be edited. (The only rate that remains locked is for the System Currency, which always has a rate of "1.00000".) If you wish you can enter a Rate Date and then click the Update from Rate Matrix button to populate the Conversion Rates table. Please note that editing rates in the Conversion Rates table in the Currency Dialog never has an effect on the rates stored in Portfolio/Setup/Currency.