  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Vendor Prequal

PMWeb Vendor Prequal lets you design and deploy custom application forms over the Web and automatically collect incoming application data which flows directly into your PMWeb database. Applications are reviewed, due diligence checks are documented and records are routed, all within the secure PMWeb environment. If an applicant is approved, a single click converts them to a PMWeb vendor. All of the application history remains linked to the vendor and you can even require periodic re-application using the same process.
The best part of pre-qualification with Vendor Prequal is that it allows you to collect, verify and record unlimited amounts of metadata about each potential vendor: the regions in which they can work, their bonding limits, DBE information, etc. With that information at your fingertips, selecting which vendors to invite to bid becomes much easier.
Vendor Prequal is seamlessly integrated with the other PMWeb modules, and provides easy to use features for you to define and create vendor approval forms, and to publish them on your PMWeb site to pre-qualify vendors. Vendor Prequal enables you to manage the following tasks.
Vendor Prequal consists of a Designer, a Vendor Prequal portal, and an online vendor application form. In a few steps you create forms in Vendor Prequal Designer. You have all the flexibility you need to:
  • Design form sections
  • Add custom fields and tables
  • Add custom specifications
Vendor Prequal is more than a forms designer. From there you publish your application form; you review and approve vendors; you manage the vendor relationship. Vendor Prequal also makes re-qualification easy for you and for the vendor.
Each PMWeb deployment automatically includes a link to the vendor application portal. This makes publishing your application very straightforward.
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