
Preventive Tab

Use this tab to make recurring copies, at regularly scheduled calendar intervals, of the current work order.
Preventive Tab

Recurs Section

1. Recurs Section
Use this section to pre-configure the frequency and days of linked work orders. To use this section:
  • Click one of the Frequency radio buttons to select it. Each radio button, if selected, displays a different set of date/time fields below.
  • Configure the date/time fields

Create Linked Work Orders Button

2. Create Linked Work Orders Button
Click this button to generate one or more linked work orders. This confirmation dialog displays:
Click the OK button to generate linked work orders.
This button can only be used if the status of the work order is "Approved".

Linked Work Orders Button

3. Linked Work Orders Button
This section displays all of the work orders generated by clicking the Create linked Work Orders button.

Copy Resources Checkbox

4. Copy Resources Checkbox
If this box is checked, lines from the Work Orders Resources Tab are copied to each linked work order.