Delegate/Replace User Dialog
The Delegate/Replace User function permanently or temporarily replaces a user in one or more of their roles. Administrators can manage the function for all users from the Roles tab of the Workflow setup page. Also, each user can delegate their roles from their My Settings page. When you delegate a user you temporarily grant someone the right to act on behalf of another. Both users can act and at some point the delegation can end. When you replace a user you permanently overwrite one user with another. Replacing a user cannot be undone. Replacements can be activated but not deactivated.
Note: Simply saving a line in the table does not take the selected action. Lines must be activated before they take effect.
Use the dropdown list to select the user for whom you are configuring delegates or replacements.
Clicking this button closes the dialog.
Activate Selected Button - Select one or more lines in the table and then click this button to activate them.
Deactivate Selected - This button is only available if all selected lines are currently active. Only delegations can be deactivated. Clicking the button immediately deactivates the selected lines.
Level Field - Required. The delegate or replace action will take place for all roles at the level selected here. The choices are:
System - everything in the system
A Project or Location Program - all records for all projects or locations within the selected program
A Project or Location - all records within the selected project or location
The default is "(System)".
Role Field - The delegate or replace action will take place for all roles selected here. The dropdown list is filtered by the selection in the Level field. The default is "-- All --".
Action Field - This is a system list. The choices are:
Delegate - The user selected in the next field will be granted the authority to take workflow actions on behalf of the user selected at the top of the dialog for a period of time. The original user will still be able to take workflow actions during this time as well (The first action taken by either user - original or delegate - will be the one that counts.). Delegations can be activated and deactivated whenever desired.
Replace - The user selected in the next field will permanently replace the user selected at the top of the dialog in all selected roles. The original user will no longer be able to take workflow actions based on those roles.
Designate To / Replace With Field - Select a user to delegate to or replace with. This dropdown list shows active PMWeb users.
Apply To Records Field - This is a system list. The choices are:
Both - This is the default. The action applies to both current and future records.
Current - The action applies only to records that have already been submitted into workflow at the time the line is activated.
Future - The action applies both to records that have already been submitted into workflow at the time the line is activated as well as records subsequently submitted up until the moment that the line is deactivated.
End Field - This field is only available if the selected action is "delegate". If a date is selected here the delegation will automatically end on that date, without user intervention. If this field is left empty the delegation can be manually ended at any time by deactivating the line in this dialog.
Activated Field - Read only. The date that the line was activated.
Deactivated Field - Read only. The date the line was deactivated.