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Portfolio Planning Worksheets

Portfolio Planning Worksheets can be used to create an overview of upcoming projects across any range of years you specify. The potential projects can be entered directly within the worksheet or can be links to Initiatives. Costs or revenue can be analyzed, projects can be assigned to managers and custom metrics can be used to compare projects side by side. Unlimited revisions to worksheets let you create what-if scenarios. When a plan is approved, the records needed to begin building are automatically created for you in the project management modules of PMWeb. No duplicate data entry is required, transcription errors are eliminated, and the Portfolio Planning Worksheet acts as an audit trail. Portfolio Planning Worksheets can be imported from the Manager Page.
Portfolio Planning Worksheets






  • Copy Record Button - Clicking the button opens the Copy Portfolio Plan dialog. The dialog allows you to configure options before actually creating a copy of the Portfolio Planning Worksheet.
Include in New Plan Section
Select one of the radio button options:
  • All Initiatives - if this is selected all of the lines in the table at the bottom of the dialog are selected by default
  • Unfunded Initiatives Only - if this is selected only lines with the Fund field unchecked in the table at the bottom of the dialog are selected by default
  • No Initiatives - if this is selected none of the lines in the table at the bottom of the dialog are selected by default
Linked Initiatives
Select one of the radio buttons:
  • Link to Existing Initiatives - if this is selected any linked Initiatives eligible to be copied will not be copied but instead only their link will be copied to the new plan
  • Copy Linked Initiatives - If this is selected any linked Initiatives eligible to be copied will be copied and links to the new Initiatives will appear in the new plan
Increment Revision - if this is checked the Revision will be increased by "1" in the new plan
Recap - this read-only section alerts you as to what will happen with the present configuration
Initiatives Table
Lines with a check in the Include column will be copied into the new plan. The radio buttons at the top of the dialog determine the defaults. Defaults can be overridden by checking or unchecking the boxes manually.
When you are satisfied with the configuration of the dialog click the Save & Exit button. The dialog closes and the new plan is created.

  • Generate Button - Click the dropdown arrow next to the icon and select "Generate Project Records" to open the Generate Records dialog.
The dialog can be used to generate project, funding and budget records.
To create Projects - select one or more lines in the table using the Create Project checkbox and then click the Create Projects button
To create Budgets and Funding Records - select one or more lines in the table using the Create Records checkbox and then click the Create Records button
  • Marked Linked Initiatives as Approved - if this is checked, when you create projects the Initiative record linked to the line in the table will automatically have its Status changed to "Approved"
  • Use Initiative ID as Project ID - if this is checked, when you create projects the Initiative ID shown in the table will be used as the project's ID. If this is unchecked, or if no Initiative ID is shown in the table, sequential IDs will be automatically assigned to the projects.
  • Fund Portfolio, Not the Project - if this is checked, a single Funding record is created for the sum of the Total field for lines selected in the table and the record will be assigned to the "Portfolio" level. (You can reallocate the funding to programs or individual projects later. See Funding for more information. If this is unchecked, a separate Funding record is created for each line selected in the table and record will be assigned to the "Project" level and tied to the new project.
  • Fund Budgets - if this is checked, each line in the budgets being generated is funded 100%. See Budgets for more information.




  • Plan Year - Required. Year Field
  • Program Field - Required
  • Portfolio Name - Enter a name for the record
  • Plan Total - Read only. The sum of the Totals field in the details table.
  • Selected to Fund Field - Read-only. The sum of the Total field in the details tab table where the Fund field is checked.
  • Authorized Field - For future use. Read-only. For now this field is always zero.
  • Balance Field - Read-only. Selected To Fund minus Authorized.


  • Add Initiative Button - This button creates a new Initiatives record and attaches that record to the Portfolio Planning Worksheet. Click the down arrow to see two methods to add an initiative:
  • New
  • Add From Template
If you select "New", an empty initiative record opens. The initiative is automatically linked to the portfolio plan. Complete the initiative fields and save the record. You can navigate back to the portfolio plan by clicking the Plan field label in the header of the initiative. If you select "Add From Template", a dialog opens showing a list of projects. Select a project to use as a template for your new initiative by placing a checkmark in the first column of the line and then clicking the OK button. The dialog closes, the new initiative record is created and appears in the portfolio plan details table. Click the Initiative ID field to open the new initiative.
  • Link Initiatives Button - This button links existing initiatives to the portfolio plan. Click the button to open the Link Initiatives dialog. Use the first column of the table to select one or more initiative records and then click the Save button at the bottom of the dialog. The dialog closes and the linked initiatives appear in the portfolio plan details table. Note that an initiative can be linked to more than one portfolio planning worksheet.
  • From Year Control - Portfolio plans can encompass as many planning years as you wish. Use the From and To Year fields to determine the scope of the plan. Type a year in the field or use the spinner control. After entering the years, click the Filter button, below, to apply your settings. A column for each year selected appears in the portfolio plan details tab table.
  • To Year Control - Portfolio plans can encompass as many planning years as you wish. Use the From and To Year fields to determine the scope of the plan. Type a year in the field or use the spinner control. After entering the years, click the Filter button, below, to apply your settings. A column for each year selected appears in the portfolio plan details tab table.
  • Filter Button - Portfolio plans can encompass as many planning years as you wish. Use the From and To Year fields to determine the scope of the plan. Type a year in the field or use the spinner control. After entering the years, click the Filter button to apply your settings. A column for each year selected appears in the portfolio plan details tab table.
  • Currency Amount Checkbox - If this box is checked, only lines with a Total greater than zero are displayed in the portfolio plan details tab table. Note that this only controls the display of the table and does not have an effect on system calculations.


  • Fund Checkbox - Initiatives with this field checked are included in the calculation of the Selected To Fund field in the header
  • Initiatives - The name of the initiative
  • Initiative ID - Read-only. If the line is linked to an initiative record the ID of the imitative appears here. Clicking the ID navigates to the initiative.
  • Funding Year - Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Funding Source Field - Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Project Manager - Type the name of a project manager.  Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Currency Table Field - Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Type Field - Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Total Field - A currency field. Read-only. Sum of the year columns as defined by the From and To fields, below.
  • Year Fields - A currency field. The years shown vary depending on the From Year and To Year controls in the table toolbar. Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Start - Date Field -  Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Finish - Date Field -  Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Priority Field - Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Score Field - Enter a score for the line. Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Rating Field - Enter a rating for the line. Read-only if linked to an initiative.
  • Sponsor Field - Enter a sponsor for the line. Read-only if linked to an initiative.


The Funding History section is a read only recap of the funding totals for the Portfolio Planning Worksheet.
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