Use this record type to create organization charts of projects, locations or at system level.
Based On Field - Required. This is a system list. Select "Projects", "Locations", or "System".
Program Field - Required. This list is filtered by the Based On field.
Project Field - Required. This field is filtered by the Program field.
Org Chart ID Field - Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
Recap By Field - This determines how data is subtotaled in the Recap Section. Select "Category" or "Resource Type".
Default Resource Category Field - This determines how the resource's Category is calculated when you drop them on a group in the chart. Select "Group Default" or "Resource's Title".
Display Resource IDs in Chart Checkbox - If checked, the resource ID is displayed next to the resource's name.
Allow a Resource to be Added More Than Once Checkbox - If checked, a single resource can be added to more than one group.
Recap Section - Read only. This section counts the resources assigned in the tree and subtotals them according to the selection in the Recap By field.
Delete All Groups Button - Click this button to delete all groups and assigned resources from the chart.
Clear All Resources Button - Use this button to delete all resource assignments from the chart.
Search Field - Use this field to search for a resource in the chart. Type all or part of a resource name or title. Search results appear below the search field. Select one of the search results from the list. The chart is redrawn showing the group containing the search result at the top of the chart.
The table in this flyout shows all active labor and equipment resources. Resources can be dragged from this table and dropped on a group in the chart to assign them. Use the Layouts Button to create and save multiple resource views. Use the Pin button to pin and unpin the flyout. When it is unpinned, the right edge of the flyout can be dragged left or right to resize it.