
Report Viewer Dialog

This dialog displays a live view of a Business Intelligence (BI) report, allows you to select parameters for it, and then output it in your chosen format. This dialog is opened by clicking the Report Viewer button in the Report Viewer Dialog.
Report Viewer Dialog

Parameter Section

1. Parameter Section
The parameters that appear here vary by report. Change parameters and then click the View button to change report results.

Page Navigation Section

2. Page Navigation Section
For reports that return multiple pages use the controls in this section to navigate between them.

Drill Back Button

3. Drill Back Button
Many BI reports allow you to drill down to sub-reports by clicking icons or hyperlinks. When you drill down this button becomes active. Click this button to navigate back up after drilling down.

Search Section

4. Search Section
Use this section to search within the report results. Type in the box and then click Find or Next. Search results are highlighted in the report preview dialog.

Output Menu Button

5. Output Menu Button
Click the down arrow next to this button to view the output options menu:
Select one of the items on the menu to output the report.

Refresh Preview Button

6. Refresh Preview Button
Click this button to refresh the report preview.

Expand / Collapse Parameters Button

7. Expand / Collapse Parameters Button
Click this button to expand or collapse the parameters section.

View Report Button

8. View Report Button
Click this button to preview the report with the currently selected parameters.