
Define Worksheets Header Fields

Define Worksheets Header Fields

Worksheet Name* Field

1. Worksheet Name* Field
Required. Enter an alphanumeric name for the worksheet. The name must be unique in the database.

Project* Field

2. Project* Field
Required. This determines which projects' data can be viewed using the worksheet. Select a project or "*Any*" (the default).

System Default Checkbox

3. System Default Checkbox
Throughout PMWeb, when you click on a cost code that has been saved in a record line a Cost Worksheet opens in a dialog with the cost code line highlighted. This lets you see a transaction history for the cost code within the current project. One, and only one, Cost Worksheet can be designated as the one to show in this dialog by default across all projects and you designate it by checking this box.
In addition to selecting one worksheet to act as the system default you can also designate other worksheets to act as defaults within projects. See Cost Worksheets Header Fields.