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Cost Codes Cost Codes Table

Cost Codes Cost Codes Table

Inactive Checkbox

1. Inactive Checkbox
Check this box to make this cost code inactive. Inactive cost codes do not display in Cost Code Field drop down lists and so cannot be added to records. The default is unchecked.
Note that making a cost code inactive has no effect on transactions in which the cost code has already been used, it only prevents it from being added to additional records. Also, you can make inactive cost codes active again by unchecking this box at any time.

Cost Code Field

2. Cost Code Field
Read only. This is the combination of the IDs of the cost levels selected in the line, separated by dashes (-). The data in this field must be unique by project.

Description Field

3. Description Field

Cost Level Fields

4. Cost Level Fields
Every level defined in the Cost Codes Levels Table will be represented by a column here. Select a level value for each field using the drop down lists.

Account Field

6. Account Field
Values in this list are defined in Portfolio/Lists/Lists/Advanced / Account. This field can be used to store metadata about the level for use in custom queries and reports or for importing/exporting using one of the integration tools.
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