  • User Home Page

User Home Page

The user home page is what greets you when you log into PMWeb. Each home page can be configured to present the information you need, organized the way you like it. The home page also contains numerous controls that allow you to interact with and navigate in PMWeb.
User Home Page

PMWeb Logo

1. PMWeb Logo
Click the logo from anywhere in PMWeb to return to your home page.

User Photo

2. User Photo
This is the photo associated with the user's account. Photos can be uploaded in the Portfolio/Setup/Security/Define Users Tab and in the My Settings Page. Click the photo to open the My Settings Page.

Events Button

3. Events Button
The number in this button indicates the number of not yet dismissed events in the View Events Dialog. If the number is in bold type there is at least one event that is also unread. Click the button to open the View Events Dialog.

Menu Button

4. Menu Button
Click this button to open the home page menu. Menu options include:
  • Create Reminder - Opens the Define Reminder Dialog to a new record
  • Receive Emails - Receives emails from your email server into the PMWeb Email Home for the currently selected project. This function only works if you are logged into a single project. See "Current Path", below.
  • Event Center - Navigates to Portfolio/Events/Event Center
  • Home - Navigates to the user home page. This is the same as clicking on the PMWeb logo.
  • My Settings - Navigates to My Settings Page

PMWeb Search Box

5. PMWeb Search Box
To perform a keyword search through PMWeb records type in the field and then press ENTER. Search results appear in the Portfolio/Search/Search page.

PMWeb University Button

6. PMWeb University Button
Click this button to open the PMWeb University page. PMWeb University is a comprehensive online training site. This button is disabled if your organization has not licensed PMWeb University. Contact your PMWeb sales associate for more information about PMWeb University.

Log Out Button

7. Log Out Button
Click this button to log out of PMWeb.

Collapse Control Panel Toggle Button

8. Collapse Control Panel Toggle Button
This is a toggle button. Click to collapse the panel and click again to expand it.

Current Path

9. Current Path
This control serves two purposes:
  • The first, underlined, segment of text shows the current log-in level. You can log into a project, a program, or portfolio level. The log in level acts as a filter in most Manager Pages. Click this text segment to open the Project Explorer.
  • The remainder of the text shows the current path within PMWeb: Module/Folder/Record Type.

Language Icons

10. Language Icons
Each icon in this section represents a PMWeb language translation stored in your PMWeb Admin Utility. Click an icon to load that translation. The currently selected language is automatically loaded the next time you log into PMWeb.

Control Panel

11. Control Panel
The control panel displays the PMWeb modules available. Click a module bar to display the record types available within it. Click the record type to display its Manager Page. The modules and record types displayed can vary based on:
  • The modules that your organization has licensed
  • The Toolbox items that your organization has licensed
  • The "View" rights granted to the user
  • The placement of custom forms, as defined in Form Builder

Home Page Tabs

12. Home Page Tabs
The tabs displayed here are determined by choices made in the My Settings Page.