Each asset record can contain an unlimited number of components grouped in an unlimited number of levels. Components can be other assets, inventory items, or be created on the fly. Assets and their components can be assigned an expected maintenance life cycle which PMWeb monitors for you. This is called “Predictive Maintenance”. The physical location of each component can be recorded, both in exact geo-coordinates and also in measurements of its position relative to a linear asset.
Note that components can be displayed in Grid View or in Tree View by clicking the toggle buttons in the toolbar:
Grid View – The standard PMWeb table view. In this view lines can be opened for editing.
Tree View – A special view showing components in a hierarchical tree with nodes that can be expanded and collapsed. Components are not editable in this view.
Each component can also be assigned a maintenance life expectancy, called a service interval. Service intervals can be based on elapsed calendar days or on usage, measured in any units you define. As calendar days go by or as usage data is logged into the system, PMWeb automatically calculates the life remaining in each component in the units you select and as a percentage. Color coded highlights – yellow, light red, dark red – alert you to components in need of maintenance. You can click on one or more components to select them (in either Tree List View or Grid View) and then click the Create Work Order button to immediately generate a PMWeb Work Order with all of the components attached. You can then record the work performed on each component, record inspection results, and reset the maintenance cycle for each as well.
 Components Tab Toolbar
 Components Tab Table