
Define Groups Tab

Security settings in PMWeb are configured by user groups. A security "group" can consist of many users or only one.
Important note: Security rights assigned here can be modified by configuration and setting choices in other parts of PMWeb, in for example:
Permissions can also be extended in some instances by including users in Visual Workflow for a record that they would not normally have access to.
(Above) The Define Groups tab in Add mode. Click on a line in the Group table to enter Edit mode (Below):
Define Groups Tab

Group Selector Table

1. Group Selector Table
A list of saved groups. When the table is in Add mode click the Add button to create a new group. Click on a line in this table to enter Edit mode. Click the Cancel button to re-enter Add mode.

Group* ID Field

2. Group* ID Field
Required. Enter a unique ID for the group.

Description* Field

3. Description* Field
Required. Enter a description for the group.

Permissions Table

4. Permissions Table
Use this table to assign rights to modules, record types, sections, and tabs. Expand the table to edit rights by checking and unchecking boxes.
Module and record type permissions are:
  • Full Control - users assigned to the group can view, create, delete, and edit records of that type. Checking this box automatically checks all of the others in the line.
  • View - users assigned to the group can view records of that type in the Manager Page and in the Select Record Dropdown
  • Create - users assigned to the group can create new records of that type
  • Delete - users assigned to the group can delete records of that type
  • Edit - users assigned to the group can edit records of that type
Expand lines in the table to view sub-tables with additional settings. Note that checking boxes at the table level can also check them at sub-table level but only when the sub-table is expanded. The example below shows the Meeting Minutes record type expanded to display security permissions for individual fields in the record header:
Field and tab permissions are:
  • View - users assigned to the group can view the tab or field in records of that type
  • Edit - users assigned to the group can edit the field or lines in the tab in records of that type

Options Table

5. Options Table
Use this table to grant special permissions to the selected group:
--Default-- - If checked this group will default when creating new users on the Define Users Tab
--Guest-- - Check this box if the group is comprised of users with a License Type of "Guest" (see Define Users Tab). Checking this box disables some of the options listed below.
Can change Due Date in Procurement - users assigned to the group can edit the Due Date field in Procurement Header Fields
Can Copy Project - users assigned to the group can click the Copy Project button in the Projects Header Toolbar
Can Edit WBS in Program - users assigned to the group can edit the default WBS in the Programs Projects Tab
Can Edit WBS in Project - users assigned to the group can edit the default WBS in the Projects WBS Tab
Can Execute Move - users assigned the group can click the Execute Moves button in the Move Plans Details Tab Toolbar
Can Lock/Unlock Schedule - users assigned to the group can click the Locked/Unlocked toggle button in the Schedules Header Toolbar
Can Make Companies Active/Inactive - users assigned to the group can click the Active/Inactive toggle button in the Companies Header Toolbar
Can Make Locations Active/Inactive - users assigned to the group can click the Active/Inactive toggle button in the Locations Header Toolbar
Can Make Projects Active/Inactive - users assigned to the group can click the Active/Inactive toggle button in the Projects Header Toolbar
Can Send Notifications - users assigned to the group can click the Notification Button in the header toolbar of records and click the Add button in the toolbar in the Notifications Tab of records
Custom Form Administrator - users assigned to the group can edit fields on the Form Builder Permissions Tab
Document Manager Administrator - users assigned to the group can add, delete, and edit document folders including the use of the Edit Folder Dialog
Events Administrator - users assigned to the group can snooze, dismiss, and delete events for all users (not just themselves) in the Event Center
Lease Administrator - users assigned to the group can view, create, edit, and delete Lease Administrator records. A special permission is needed here because Lease Administrator records can contain data from more than one location.
PMWeb Report Administrator - users assigned to the group can edit permissions for PMWeb Reporting records
Report Manager Administrator - users assigned to the group can add and delete custom reports in BI Reporting