Lease Charges Details Dialog Recovery
Recoveries are bills to tenants, charging them for some or all of costs incurred by the landlord. Costs to be recovered can be entered directly when the recovery is being processed or automatically calculated if they have been posted to the PMWeb
Cost Ledgers. Recoveries are processed using the
Lease Administrator Recoveries Tab.

 Proration Method Fields
A system list. The options are:
# of Leases - 100 divided by the count of active leases at the location
# of Units - 100 divided by the number of active suites at the location
Common Area % - From the lease
Fixed % - If this method is selected the percentage field is unlocked and may be edited.
Rentable Area % - The Rentable Area of the lease divided by the sum of Rentable Area from all active leases at the location times 100
Usable Area % - The Usable Area of the lease divided by the sum of Usable Area from all active leases at the location times 100
Each time a method is selected the percentage field is updated to show what the value would be if the recovery was being processed now. Different values might appear in the Recovery Details Dialog when the recovery is being processed (If, for example, occupancy rates have changed.).
 Percentage Factor Field
Enter a percentage of the calculated recovery to use. The default is 100.
 Lower Threshold Fields
If the box is checked there is no lower threshold for the recovery. If the box is unchecked a currency field appears. Type a currency value in the field. If the calculated recovery is lower than the number in this field the calculated value will be ignored and the value in this field will be used instead.
 Upper Threshold Fields
If the box is checked there is no upper threshold for the recovery. If the box is unchecked a currency field appears. Type a currency value in the field. If the calculated recovery is higher than the number in this field the calculated value will be ignored and the value in this field will be used instead.
 Cost Codes Field
Recoveries can be based on costs posted to the PMWeb Cost Ledgers. When recoveries are processed in the Lease Administrator Recoveries Tab the system can locate costs posted to selected costs codes that have not yet been recovered and automatically calculate the amount that should be charged back to the tenant. Use this dropdown list to select one or more costs codes whose costs are eligible to be recovered.
 Active Toggle Button
An advanced charge can be escalation, a recovery, or an overage. Click this toggle button to select the appropriate advanced charge type and activate the controls within the section.