Use this dialog to view payments that are available to be applied and then apply all or some of those payments to the current record. To be available to be applied to a record a payment must:
Be of the correct classification - A/R or A/P
Have a status of "Approved"
Have a balance due greater than "0"
Not be marked as applied in full
Payments can be applied in the dialog using one of three methods:
Entering a percentage in the % field on one or more lines
Entering a currency value in the Applied Amount field on one or more lines
The applied amount of a payment line cannot be greater than its unapplied balance and the sum of applied amount in the table cannot be greater than the open balance of the record.
This topic shows available when the Apply Payments dialog is opened from an invoice. Fields available may be slightly different when the dialog is opened from other record types but the basic functionality si always the same.
See the Payments topic for more information about payment concepts in general.
All controls in this section are read only. This section displays data about the record from which the Apply Payments dialog was opened. The currency fields display the current payment due amount as well as any previous payments applied and the open balance.
This table displays all of the payments that are available to be applied to the record. These fields in the table are read only. They display information from the payment.