Every transaction line in PMWeb that contains a cost code is automatically posted to the cost ledger when the transaction is saved. The cost ledger line contains a copy of the data from a subset of fields in the original transaction line as well as additional metadata such as the time and date of posting and a hyperlink to the transaction. As transaction lines are edited the matching data in the cost ledger line is updated as well. If a transaction line is deleted its matching data in the cost ledger is deleted too. Lines can also be added directly in the cost ledger page as well as by using one of the PMWeb integration tools.
The cost ledger serves as a fast. powerful, and easy to use data source for queries and reports.
 Cost Ledgers Header Toolbar
 Cost Ledgers Header Fields
 Cost Ledgers Details Tab Toolbar
 Cost Ledgers Details Tab Table
 Cost Ledgers History Tab
 Notes Tab
 Attachments Tab