
Project Codes

Project Codes are user defined drop down lists that can be used to add metadata to a task. Up to 10 codes can be defined for each project. See Schedules Task Details Project Codes Tab for information about using project codes in a schedule.
Project Codes

Project Selector

1. Project Selector
Use this drop down to load the selected project's codes into the page

Save Button

2. Save Button
Click to save edits to the table

Refresh Button

3. Refresh Button
Click to load the latest data (excluding unsaved edits) into the table

Unique Name

4. Unique Name
Read only. Assigned by PMWeb. "Group" plus the numbers 1 through 10.

Header Text

5. Header Text
The name you wish to give the field. The default is the Unique Name.


6. Width
The default width of the column (in pixels) as it appears in the Gantt chart table. The default is "100".


7. Order
The default order, from left to the right, that the field appears in in the Gantt chart table. The default is the number from Unique Name.

Visible by Default

8. Visible by Default
If checked, this Project Code field is visible by default in the Gantt chart in new schedules created for the project. See Show/Hide Column button in Schedules Gantt Chart Toolbar for information about showing and hiding Gantt chart fields. This box is automatically unchecked if you uncheck the On/Off field.


9. On/Off
If unchecked, this Project Code field will not be visible in any schedule for the project. This box is automatically checked if you check the Visible by Default field.


10. BG-Color
Background color. If you group the Gantt chart by this code the color of the grouping bar will be the one selected here.

Font Color

11. Font Color
If you group the Gantt chart by this code the color of the font within the grouping bar will be the one selected here.

Values Button

12. Values Button
Click this button to open the Project Code Items dialog:
You may add an unlimited number of items to the list. These items appear as values in the Project Code drop down list in schedules.

Copy Project Codes Button

13. Copy Project Codes Button
Click this button to open the Select a Project dialog. Click one of the hyperlinks. The dialog closes and the project codes from the selected project are copied into the page.