  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Logo Section

Use this section to upload an image file to use as a logo for the record. The logo is inherited by default from its parent record. New programs and projects and assets not in a program inherit the logo of the database, which is defined in the PMWeb Admin Utility. Projects and assets in a program inherit the log of the program. Click the browse button to launch your device's browse function. Allowed file formats include jpg, jpeg, bmp, tiff, png. The logo image will appear in the page after the record is saved.
Important note: Files should be in the proportions of 3 to 1. For example, a bmp image that is 3" wide and 1" tall.
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