
Cost Worksheets Header Fields

Cost Worksheets Header Fields

Project* Field

1. Project* Field
Select a project from the dropdown list.

Worksheet Field

2. Worksheet Field
Select a worksheet to display. This list is filtered by the selection made in the project field. Worksheets are designed in the Define Worksheets page.

Periods From and To Fields

3. Periods From and To Fields
The selections made in these two fields filter the results displayed on the table based on the Period field in the cost ledger record. The defaults, "*All*", not only includes cost ledger lines with any cost period but also lines that have no cost period.

Currency Field

4. Currency Field
Currency Header Field. This determines the currency used to display the cells in the table and includes the generic default, "-- Project Currency --". The field label hyperlink opens the Currency Dialog as usual but the settings there only affect transactions created using one of the two edit worksheet methods.

Project Default Checkbox

5. Project Default Checkbox
Throughout PMWeb, when you click on a cost code that has been saved in a record line a Cost Worksheet opens in a dialog with the cost code line highlighted. This lets you see a transaction history for the cost code within the current project. One, and only one, Cost Worksheet can be designated as the one to show in this dialog within a project and you designate it by checking this box.
Important note: You only need to check this box if you wish to use a worksheet other than the one designated as the system default in the Define Worksheets Header Fields.