  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Model Manager



Model Manager is a powerful tool that lets you interact with 3D models using the PMWeb 3D Viewer, store unlimited metadata about the model, and facilitate model discussion using PMWeb Visual Workflow, Collaboration and Notifications. Model Manager can be used to track models that you own or models that are created and maintained by others on your behalf. For example, one project might contain conceptual models that you create in-house, models created by your architect, as well as models from your specialty subcontractors. Model Manager gives you a central location from which you can organize and monitor all of them. Model Manager records can be created inside PMWeb or automatically generated from and linked to a Revit Model using the Autodesk Revit® Add-in.
Use the standard PMWeb tabs to add:
  • Unlimited custom fields
  • Customized scoring questions that let you monitor the accuracy and completeness of the model
  • Notes, including rich Web content such as site maps
  • Digital attachments – support documents, links to anything with a URL, other PMWeb records, and more
  • Email notifications, both outgoing and incoming
  • Visual Workflow or Collaboration – discussions and approvals

3D Viewer

The PMWeb 3D Viewer can be used to view and interact with many types of 3D file formats. Use the 3D Viewer to inspect models, rotate them, explode them, and take measurements. The 3D Viewer can be opened from any Attachments tab, the Document Manager, and from a Model Manager record. Use the image Snapshot feature to quickly and easily:
  • Save the image as an attachment to the current PMWeb record
  • Create a new PMWeb record – an RFI, for example, with the image attached
  • Create an email with the image attached
  • Print the image
The Viewer requires a WebGL-canvas compatible browser:
  • Chrome 50+
  • Firefox 45+
  • Opera 37+
  • Safari 9+
  • Microsoft Edge 20+
  • Internet Explorer 11
Model Manager

Model Manager Header Toolbar

1. Model Manager Header Toolbar

Model Manager Toolbar Header

2. Model Manager Toolbar Header

Model Manager 3D Viewer Tab Toolbar

3. Model Manager 3D Viewer Tab Toolbar

Model Manager 3D Viewer Tab

4. Model Manager 3D Viewer Tab

Specifications Tab

5. Specifications Tab

Checklists Tab

6. Checklists Tab

Scoring Tab

7. Scoring Tab

Ratings Tab

8. Ratings Tab

Notes Tab

9. Notes Tab

Attachments Tab

10. Attachments Tab

Collaborate Tab

11. Collaborate Tab
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