
Portfolio View Portfolio Tab

This tab displays basic metadata about the project (white background columns), cost and budget data (blue background columns), and schedule data (yellow background columns). All information is updated in real time as the tab is loaded. Use the controls described below to customize the table and find the data you wish to view.
Every field in the table is read only and contains a hyperlink:
Portfolio View Portfolio Tab

Map View Radio Button

1. Map View Radio Button

Program/Project Filter Fields

2. Program/Project Filter Fields
Select from these dropdown lists to filter the table by program and/or project.

Currency Field

3. Currency Field
Select a currency in which to display cost and budget numbers. If a currency is selected numbers are converted to that currency using the default conversion rates stored in Portfolio/Setup/Currency. Select "(None)" to show each line in the project's currency.

Refresh Button

4. Refresh Button

Layouts Button

5. Layouts Button