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Timesheets Header Fields

Timesheets Header Fields

Timesheet # Field

1. Timesheet # Field
An alphanumeric ID for the record.

From and To Fields

2. From and To Fields
Date Field. Both fields are required. The To date must be no more than 7 days after the From date. The choices made here determine how the days fields are displayed in the Timesheets Details Tab Table. If, for example, you select "June 2, 2013" (which was a Sunday) in the To field and "June 5, 2013" (which was a Wednesday) in the To field the days fields in the table would be shown as:

Resource Field

3. Resource Field
Select a resource for the timesheet. If you do not select a resource here you can select one on each line in the Timesheets Details Tab Table. If you do select a resource here the Resource field on each line in the table is locked at that resource. The dropdown lists all active resources. An "L" before the resource indicates a labor resource. An "E" indicates an equipment resource.

Program* Field

4. Program* Field
Select a program for the timesheet here. If you select "(Portfolio)" here you can select a project on each line in the Timesheets Details Tab Table. If you select a program here you can only select projects within that program on each line in the table.

Project Field

5. Project Field
Select a project for the timesheet here. If you do not select a project here you can select one on each table in the Timesheets Details Tab Table. If you do select a project here the Project field on each line in the table is locked at that project. The dropdown lists all active projects within the program selected in the prior field.

Revision Field

6. Revision Field

Date Field

7. Date Field

Status Field

8. Status Field

Sequence # Field

9. Sequence # Field
If you wish, you can create timesheets sequentially. This has the advantage of saving time setting up each timesheet and ensures that dates do not accidentally overlap. The first timesheet in a sequence is #0. When you click the Generate Next button a copy of the timesheet is created with the Sequence # field incremented and the From and To fields incremented by one week.

Funding Code Field

10. Funding Code Field

Period Field

11. Period Field
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