
Notifications Dialog

Use this dialog to create new and review existing Notifications. This dialog is opened by click the Notification Button in the header of many record types, clicking the Add button in the toolbar of the Notifications Tab in many records, or by clicking the View Message button in a line in the Notifications Tab of many records.
Notifications Dialog

Send Button

1. Send Button
Click this button to save the notification and send it as a PMWeb email.

Save Button

2. Save Button
Click this button to save the notification without sending it.

Close Button

3. Close Button
Click this button to close the dialog without saving changes.

Creation Information

4. Creation Information
Read only. Information about the creation and sending of the notification.

From Field

5. From Field
Click the button to select a user whose email address will appear as the sender of the notification message.

System Email Checkbox

6. System Email Checkbox
If this box is checked, rather than showing the user selected in the From field as the sender of the notification email the address entered in the Portfolio/Email/Email Setup page will be used.

To Field

7. To Field
Click the button to select one or more email addresses to send the notification email to.

CC Field

8. CC Field
Click the button to select one or more email addresses to CC on the notification email.

BCC Field

9. BCC Field
Click the button to select one or more email addresses to BCC on the notification email.

Manual CC Field

10. Manual CC Field
Type in the field to enter one or more email addresses to CC on the notification email.

Subject Field

11. Subject Field
Enter the email subject line for the notification here.

Notification Type Field

13. Notification Type Field

Reference Field

14. Reference Field

Due Date Field

15. Due Date Field
Enter a due date and time.

Reminder Checkbox

16. Reminder Checkbox
If checked, an email reminder will be sent to the addressees when the due date and time have passed

Completed Checkbox

17. Completed Checkbox
Place a check in this box to mark the notification as complete

Completed Date Field

18. Completed Date Field
Enter a completed date and time.

Add Link Checkbox

19. Add Link Checkbox
If this box is checked, and if the notification template is configured to (see Portfolio/Setup/Message Templates/Notifications Tab), a hyperlink to the record that the notification is linked to will be included in the email message.

Select To Attach To Email Section

20. Select To Attach To Email Section

RTF Message Editor Field

21. RTF Message Editor Field
Type a message here or paste from the clipboard.