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Resources Availability

The Resources Availability page shows, for selected resources, all of the schedule tasks to which they are assigned within a specified date range. This is a read-only view. Resource assignments cannot be edited from this page.
Learn more about Gantt chart settings and features here: Schedules Gantt Chart Toolbar and Schedules Gantt Chart. (Not all Gantt chart features are available on the Resources Availability page.) Gantt chart settings in the Resources Availability page are user specific and are automatically saved in your browser.
Resources Availability


1. Resources
Use this drop down list to filter the page for one or more resources. Note that for a resource - labor or equipment - to appear in this list the "Scheduling" box must be checked in their Portfolio > Lists > Resources record.

From Date

2. From Date
Type a date in this field. Tasks which contain this date in their duration will be returned in the query results.

To Date

3. To Date
Type a date in this field. Tasks which contain this date in their duration will be returned in the query results. this date must be equal to or greater than From Date for the query to return results.

Search Button

4. Search Button
Click this button to execute the query and view the results.
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