This page allows you to filter for and view PMWeb activities logged in the audit trail.
Important Note: For activities to appear here their record type must first be activated in the
Audit Trail Tab of Portfolio/Setup/Settings.
The general method for using this page is to configure the various filter fields in the Filters section and then click the Apply Filters button. Search result appear in the table at the bottom of the page. Search results can be sent to MS Excel for further analysis if desired. Important Note: The active grid layout can, like the filters at the top of the page, affect which records appear in the grid. Use layout filters to enhance search results and be aware of which layout is currently applied.
You can double click lines to view their transaction details in a dialog:
 System ID Field
Type a specific numeric system ID in the field. "0" is equivalent to no filter on this field.
 Project(s) Field
Select one or more projects to search for. The default is "*All*".
 User(s) Field
Select one or more users to search for. The default is "*All*".
 Last (N) Transactions Field
Type a number (N) here. The default is "10,000".
 Date Slider
Use the slider bar controls to select start and end dates for your search. Sliding the control handles automatically adjusts the date filter fields.
 Start and End Date Fields
Enter start and end dates for your search. Editing these fields automatically adjusts the slider bar.
 Record Type(s) Field
Select one or more record types to search for. The default is "*All*".
 Record Field
Type a record ID to search for. Note that PMWeb can only search for records where this is the current ID. The default is empty.
 Record Tab(s) Field
Select one or more tab types to search within. The default is "*All*".
 Action Type(s) Field
Select one or more action types to search for. The default is "*All*".
 Apply Filters Button
Click this button to apply the settings in the Filters section and refresh the table at the bottom of the page.
 Reset Filters Button
Click this button to return the fields in the Filters section to their defaults.