
Conditional Security Tab

Use this tab to define conditional statements that prevent certain user groups from seeing records that should remain off limits to them. This tab modifies the general rights granted user groups on the Define Groups Tab.
Conditional Security Tab

Entities Selector

1. Entities Selector
Select an entity level from the dropdown list. Entity levels include:
  • (Portfolio) - the conditional security rule will be applied to records in all projects
  • [a program] - the conditional security rule will be applied to records in all projects in the program
  • [a project] - the conditional security rule will be applied to records in the project

Add Record Button

2. Add Record Button

Save Record Button

3. Save Record Button

Delete Record Button

4. Delete Record Button

Conditional Security Explorer

5. Conditional Security Explorer
This tree displays all of the record types for which you can create conditional security rules as well as all of the saved conditional security rules. Right click on a record type and select Add Rule from the context menu to create a rule. Right click on a rule to Edit or Delete it.

Define Conditional Security Rules Section

6. Define Conditional Security Rules Section

Deny Access To Section

7. Deny Access To Section
Place a check in the checkbox at the beginning of the line for each user group that the record should be hidden from if the conditional statement evaluates as logically true.