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  • Adjustments
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  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Table Header Context Menu

The context menu is opened by right-clicking on a column heading in a table.
Table Header Context Menu

Select Sort Section

1. Select Sort Section
Select either Sort Ascending or Sort Descending in this section. This has the same effect as clicking once of the column heading label (ascending) and clicking the label a second time (descending).

Clear Sorting

2. Clear Sorting
Click to remove the current column from sorting.

Group By

3. Group By
Click to add grouping by the column. This has the same effect as dragging the column heading to the grouping bar and dropping it.


4. Ungroup
Click to remove the current column from grouping. This has the same effect as dragging the column heading away from the grouping bar and dropping it.

Columns Flyout

5. Columns Flyout
Click to display the column flyout menu:
The flyout menu displays all of the fields that are available to display in the grid, including User Defined Fields, based on the record type. Put a check in front of each field you wish to display.

Advanced Filters

6. Advanced Filters
Use this section to build advanced filters. For basic filters, see Column Headings under Tables. Click the filter parameter button and select a parameter type from the dropdown list. Type filter data in the white box. Click the Filter button to apply the filter and click the Clear Filter button to remove it.
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