  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Portfolio View Tab

This tab offers an interactive spreadsheet view of all of the programs and projects to which the user has view rights in security. The spreadsheet contains fields related to general project metadata (with white backgrounds), budget and cost fields (blue backgrounds), and schedule data (yellow backgrounds). Every field in the spreadsheet is a hyperlink:
  • Drilling down on white fields - Navigates to the Projects record
  • Drilling down on blue fields - Navigates to the most recently used Cost Worksheets page
  • Drilling down on yellow fields - Navigates to the designated project schedule in the Schedules page
Portfolio View Tab

Program & Project Filter Fields

1. Program & Project Filter Fields
Use the fields quickly filter the table by program and/or project.

Currency Selector

2. Currency Selector
Use this dropdown to display the cost columns in a single currency. The system default is "(None)", meaning that all numbers are displayed in the project currency. Column totals are not displayed when "(None)" is selected.

Refresh Table Button

3. Refresh Table Button

Layouts Button

4. Layouts Button
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