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My Settings Tab

Use this tab to configure default settings for the My Settings Page and deploy them to individual users or security groups. Defaults configured here can be overwritten in the individual user's My Settings Page.
My Settings Tab

Select Group/User Dropdown

1. Select Group/User Dropdown
Use this dropdown tree list to select a specific user or a security group. Select "(Portfolio)" to configure default settings for everyone.

Load... Button

2. Load... Button
Click the arrow to open the button dropdown. Use this button to:
  • Load the selection's deployed settings - Displays the settings that were last deployed to the level (portfolio, security group, or individual) selected in the Select User/Group field.
  • Copy from a group - Opens a dialog from which you can select a user group. After selecting a group the settings from that group are copied into the level (portfolio, security group, or individual) selected in the Select User/Group field.
  • Copy from a user - Opens a dialog from which you can select a user. After selecting a user the settings from that user are copied into the level (portfolio, security group, or individual) selected in the Select User/Group field.

Save Button

3. Save Button
Click this button to save the settings for the level (portfolio, security group, or individual) selected in the Select User/Group field. Note that saving the settings does not deploy them. Deploying is a separate action, performed by clicking the Deploy Settings button.

Deploy Settings Button

4. Deploy Settings Button
Click this button to deploy, or "push", the settings displayed on the tab to ALL users at the level (portfolio, security group, or individual) selected in the Select User/Group field.

Reminder Message

5. Reminder Message
This reminder message appears if you have clicked the Save button but not yet clicked the Deploy Settings button at the level (portfolio, security group, or individual) selected in the Select User/Group field.

My Settings Fields

6. My Settings Fields
See My Settings Page for information about the various controls and options in this section.
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