  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

A/R and A/P Payment Batches

Payment batches offer a number of functional advantages. You can use them to:
  • Link together any number of A/R and A/P Payments records
  • Create any number of payment records from a single batch
  • Use the Pay Invoices Button to apply payments to any number of invoices from a single batch
A payment batch consists of summary information in the header and a details tab containing an unlimited number of payments. Payments can be added to a payment batch using any combination of these methods:
The selections you make for program and project in the A/R and A/P Payment Batches Header Fields limit what payment records can be added to the details tab. For example, if you select a specific project in the header you can only add, link to or pay records for that project.
See Payments for a discussion of general payment concepts.
A/R and A/P Payment Batches

A/R and A/P Payment Batches Header Toolbar

1. A/R and A/P Payment Batches Header Toolbar

A/R and A/P Payment Batches Header Fields

2. A/R and A/P Payment Batches Header Fields

A/R and A/P Payment Batches Details Tab Toolbar

3. A/R and A/P Payment Batches Details Tab Toolbar

A/R and A/P Payment Batches Details Tab Table

4. A/R and A/P Payment Batches Details Tab Table

Specifications Tab

5. Specifications Tab

Notes Tab

6. Notes Tab

Attachments Tab

7. Attachments Tab

Collaborate Tab

8. Collaborate Tab
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